
Judith's Page

Last Updated : 10th October 2024

Birds and other wildlife recorded in September 2024

Birds: Quite a quiet month! Many common bird species that we might normally expect are not on the list, but many of the observers have also been absent for a while! As the weather becomes more autumnal the birds and the humans may be making themselves more visible in the woods.

Two species of birds of prey were observed: Red Kite and Sparrowhawk. The usual trio of pigeons and doves were fairly frequent: Stock Dove, Woodpigeon and Collared Dove. Great-spotted Woodpecker was heard/seen but no Green Woodpecker was recorded. The common corvids were also about: Magpie (at least 4 on the 12th), Jay, Jackdaw, Rook and Carrion Crow.

Goldcrest, one of our smallest species, was detected – they are usually in the conifers/larches, and the common tits were also recorded: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, and Long-tailed Tit. The tits, having had their breeding season will often now be found in small flocks.  Blackbirds were fairly commonly found. The only warbler recorded was Chiffchaff; some of these, and some Black Caps may well be around in the winter months. The essentially woodland pair – Nuthatch and Treecreeper were encountered, as were Wren, Robin and Dunnock. The only finch recorded was Goldfinch; look out for Chaffinch and Bullfinch – we still have them in the woods.

Mammals: Grey Squirrel and Rabbit

Butterflies and other insects: Green-veined White and Speckled Wood. A Southern Hawker was recorded, as was a Box Tree Moth, the latter a handsome moth but one that is a very unwelcome invader if you have a Box hedge.

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 To see what was spotted in 2021 - click here

or to see lists of previous sightings (2010 to 2020) - click here


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