
Judith's Page

Last Updated : 12th January 2025

Birds and other wildlife recorded in December 2024

Birds: A Common Pheasant was spotted – one that got away! Another unexpected sighting was a flyover Little Egret. Red Kites were seen quite regularly, gliding magnificently over the wood and neighbouring houses. There were also several sightings of Common Buzzard. Three species of gull were recorded flying overhead: Lesser black-back, Herring Gull and – most commonly – Black-headed Gull. Many Woodpigeons were observed, and the occasional Collared Dove, but no Stock Dove. Great-spotted Woodpeckers were seen - and heard but no Green Woodpecker recorded this month.


The corvids were observed fairly regularly: Magpie (8 on the 11th), Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, and Jays and two Ravens flew over on the 11th. The Rooks are nowhere near as common as they once were, and their nests are now reduced to a mere two - in the newer woodland by a side path leading to the bridleway. Rookeries do move but they were once such an important feature of our wood!

Goldcrests were encountered in the conifers and the tit family was well represented: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit (less frequent always); and their very distant relative the Long-tailed Tit – including a flock of nine on the 11th. Nuthatch was heard and seen, as was Wren. Starlings were also recorded. Blackbirds were about and so were some of the winter thrushes: Redwing, including a group of 8 birds on the 11th. So far nobody has recorded Fieldfares.


Robins were fairly regularly recorded as were Dunnocks, and – nearer the houses – House Sparrows.  A flock of 15 Skylarks feeding on an adjoining field was put up by a Red Kite. Finally, the finches: there were reports of Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Bullfinch (quite a rarity these days), and Goldfinch, often in small groups.


The mammal records this month were: Roe Deer and Red Squirrel


Please send in your records – and a Happy New Year to all you nature lovers!

Find out what has been spotted so far this year (2024) - click here
To see what was spotted in 2023 - click here
To see what was spotted in 2022 - click here
 To see what was spotted in 2021 - click here

or to see lists of previous sightings (2010 to 2020) - click here


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