
Judith's Page

Last Updated : 12th July 2024

Birds and other wildlife recorded in June 2024

Several records of Red Kites overhead – always an uplifting sight and sound; and the calling of a juvenile Buzzard (breeding in the wood?). Stock Dove, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove and Feral Pigeon all noted.  Both common woodpeckers, Green and Great-spotted, were seen and heard, and unsurprisingly the common corvids were also around, sometimes in abundance: Magpie, Jay, Jackdaw, Rook and Carrion Crow – and also Raven; listen out for its loud “cronking” sound and have a look at the shape of its tail. Carrion Crows have straight tail end in flight – a Raven has a wedge-shaped tail.


There are Goldcrests around; one of our smallest birds, but quite vocal. Several have been seen in the picnic area. The usual tits have been recorded: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit and Long-tailed Tit (their very distant relative). Several warbler species have been noted: Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Garden Warbler – these last two are quite difficult to tell apart in their song. It’s worth having a look at Xeno Canto on the internet to listen to the differences! A Whitethroat was recorded and so were Nuthatch, Treecreeper and Wren. Blackbird and Song Thrush were fairly frequent – and a Mistle Thrush was also detected. Robins were regulars! There is quite a lot of Skylark song on the field to the west of the bridleway. Finally, to the finches: Chaffinch, Greenfinch (several called to accompany the work party on the 24th!), Bullfinch and Goldfinch.


 Other wildlife

The usual mammal suspects: Rabbit, Grey Squirrel and Muntjac. It’s not been a great summer for butterflies, but people have noted Meadow Browns, Ringlets and the first of the Gatekeepers. A Chimney Sweeper moth was seen – small, black and day-flying. A Banded Demoiselle was also seen; look out for members of the dragonfly family.

Finally – the Common Spotted Orchids have done well – over 100 on the 24th, but no Bee Orchid recorded yet. We have had a few in the past so do look out for them. Other common flowers to spot: Agrimony, Selfheal and various vetches.


Please send in your records; it may be ordinary and commonplace to you, but we do need to know and record what is there – particularly with the threat of building very nearby!

Find out what has been spotted so far this year (2024) - click here
To see what was spotted in 2023 - click here
To see what was spotted in 2022 - click here
 To see what was spotted in 2021 - click here

or to see lists of previous sightings (2010 to 2020) - click here


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