Birds and other
wildlife recorded in January 2025
don’t often record geese in or over the Woods, but a flock of Greylags, and a
lone Mallard were noted early in the month. Other flyover birds more associated with
wetlands were Black-headed and Herring Gull. The usual Stock Dove, Woodpigeon
and Collared Doves were all recorded; it may be chilly early February as I
write but the doves and pigeons can now be seen displaying and ‘singing’. Birds
of prey seen were Red Kites and Common Buzzard. No Sparrowhawks.
common woodpeckers were about – Great-spotted and Green – both often
encountered by ear rather than by eye The usual corvids were about: up to 15
Magpies on one visit, plenty of Jackdaws, which are often seen in the adjoining
field, Carrion Crow and Rooks. 2 Ravens were also seen passing over; this is a
species we would once have had to travel quite a way to see – now it breeds
quite locally – maybe in our woods one day?
Tit, Blue Tit and Great Tit were all recorded – now (early February) some may
be beginning to get into breeding mode, so look out for pairs. Long-tailed Tits
are also abandoning flocks and may be in pairs or smaller numbers. The common
but small and often elusive Goldcrest was recorded, as were the often vocal,
Wrens and Nuthatches. Blackbirds were common and there were plenty of Redwings
in the adjoining fields, possibly joined one day by some Fieldfares. Robins
were commonly seen, and the occasional House Sparrow nearer to human
habitations. Also recorded were Dunnock, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch.
for mammals – it was a case of the “usual suspects” this month – Grey squirrel
and Rabbit.
keep sending in your records – birds and other wildlife all welcome!